When I’m Unsure If I Can Make It

Habakkuk became overwhelmed as he canvased his circumstances, but He held to the hope that God would provide him with the necessary strength. When the path seems too challenging, God equips us to endure the journey ahead.

Habakkuk 3:1-19

Keep Worshiping (3:1-2)

  • God is worthy of all our worship even when we can’t discern all of His plans (3:1).
  • Don’t be afraid about what you’ll find if you take your concerns to the LORD (3:2).
  • You can endure through the trials far better if you believe that God can actually revive you during them (3:2).

Keep Remembering (3:3-16)

  • If God delivered His people back then, you must trust that He can do it again (3:3-11).
  • God has never once stopped working for our good, even during trying times (3:12-15).
  • Trust that God is the right one to make the right decision at the right time (3:16).

Keep Walking (3:17-19)

  • Show God appreciation regardless of your situation (3:17-18).
  • If God gave us strength rather than became our strength, we would be tempted to walk away once we received it (3:19).
  • God hasn’t brought you this far to leave you now (3:19).
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