You will not grow closer to Christ by accident. Our spiritual conditions are contingent upon the intentional disciplines to withdraw from distractions and engage with devotions.
Luke 5:15-16
The Problem
- The more distant we are from God, the easier it is to disobey Him.
- The devil’s strategy is to distract you from your relationship with God and others.
- We could read the entire Bible in 20 days if we just used the average time we spend on our phones.
- We could read the entire Bible 9 times in a year if we just used the average time we spend on Netflix.
The Passage
- Jesus’ reputation constantly increased the number of people requesting His attention (5:15).
- People were drawn to Jesus by what He would say and what He could do (5:15).
- Jesus consistently withdrew from the crowds so that He could adequately minister to them (5:16).
- Jesus would rise early (Mark 1:35), stay up late (Luke 6:12), retreat to isolation (Matt. 14:23), and frequent favorite spots (Luke 22:39).
- If the perfect Son of God prioritized meeting with His Father this much, what makes us think we could neglect it?
The Process
- Plan what your devotions will look like for one week at a time.
- Prepare your rhythms and environments to facilitate your devotions.
- Partner with someone else who either knows or shares your plan.
- Persist in your devotions regardless of how many days you miss.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.