What to Do with That Selfish Person in Your Life

We all know the cringeworthy moments that can happen when a selfish person lacks self-awareness and says and does things that cause others pain. It is difficult to know how to help them redirect their attention away from themselves, but we must try.

Sermon Series Considerations

A pastor must think through many factors when committing to a sermon series. Consider these six items before you select your next series or annual plan.

Jesus Didn’t Flinch

Jesus’ sacrifice would be amazing if He had gone through it while unprepared, but the amazing thing is that He knew about it and didn’t run from it. Jesus didn’t flinch when it came to securing our redemption.

Why Life Often Seems Pointless

Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 – Even when King Solomon had everything, he felt it was all for nothing. No matter how personally successful you are, you will reach a place where you question the meaning of life’s pursuits. 

You Lack One Thing

Each of us has that one thing that really has us. It is difficult to follow Jesus closely if you delight in something more than Him.

How to Avoid Youthful Passions

At some point, we will all realize that we have never graduated from the childish way of thinking, that we ought to have what we want and ought to have it right now. This quest for immediate gratification is not from Christ and must be combatted in our lives.

Slow to Anger

Not many of us would describe ourselves as slow to anger because people and situations can unnerve us quickly. We should stand in grateful awe of the God who could lose His cool with us and doesn’t.

Ecclesiastes (Series Overview)

Solomon had everything this world had to offer and was still miserably discontent. We must learn God’s perspective if we are to free ourselves from the meaningless pursuits that are rampant in our society.


The last book of the Bible prepares the Church for our final and eternal reality. The end is nearing, the victory is coming, and our Savior is returning.

The True Vine

John 15:1-8 – We cannot settle for a human intermediary to regulate our relationship with God. Jesus has invited us to know Him and to abide with HIm closely.