God’s Awareness & Our Adoption

God knows every bit of our history and is aware of every turn in our future. Instead of turning away with such knowledge, he reaches down and reaches out anyway.

Desperation Leads to Satisfaction

 Like a parched deer eagerly seeking water, our souls should desperately seek the presence of God to be refreshed and renewed. We often settle for less than the presence of God simply because we don’t want it bad enough.

2022 Sermon Series

As we prepare for 2022, we know that we want to train our church to be Great Commission Christians. The preaching calendar reflects that heartbeat as we seek to be a healthy church getting healthier.

Your Parenting Target

Every parent has a target they are hoping their children hit. While it may never be simply expressed, it is consistently pursued.

1 Day With God Is Better Than 1,000 Anywhere Else

I would rather be a doorkeeper in God’s house than be a master in my house. Let me dwell near the presence of God for just one day and it is far better than allowing my sinful heart run after every desire for 1,000 days.

Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month

Some churches go all out, and some churches aren’t even aware that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. While there are many ways you can bless your pastor, this idea will serve him more than any other.

Scriptural Standard

As we live our lives, love our homes, and lead our churches, there are many ways in which we can determine our direction. There are plenty of opinions out there, but is God’s Word reliable enough to transcend those fleeting thoughts?