Jesus Isn’t Looking for a Crowd

Many people claim to follow Christ, but they are actually only associating with the crowd. Discipleship is different. Following Jesus means you forsake the conveniences of this fleeting world to obtain the joys of this Kingdom’s lifestyle.

Hypnotized Christians

Have you become hypnotized? Are you trying to live for God apart from God? Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself for your spiritual condition.

4 Questions for Long-Term Sermon Planning

One of the most helpful ways to preach faithfully to a local congregation is to have a long-term plan. It doesn’t limit the Holy Spirit, but I think the process connects you even more to Him in your preparation and delivery.

The Parental Pendulum

Unfortunately, instead of finding a healthy, biblical balance of parents disciplining their children in love, I often see parents swinging to one of the far sides of the parent pendulum. Most parents tend to be either too harsh or too lenient in disciplining their children.

Your Spouse’s Pride Is Hurting Your Marriage

Do you believe that your spouse’s pride might be hurting your marriage? Could that be said of you as well? It’s always easier to spot pride in your spouse’s life than it is to acknowledge it in your own life.

What Is the Bible?

Maybe someone has encouraged you to read the Bible. You might even have wanted to at some point in your life but unsure where to begin. Before you start, maybe this short video could help you understand what is the Bible in the first place.

What Causes Disagreeing Christians to Unite

What causes disagreeing Christians to unite is when we can agree upon a prioritized issue. While we often get sidetracked in inconsequential debates, a serious rallying cry often wakes us up. Maybe we need to keep that.