Shame & Blame

You will sin. Your spouse will sin. What will you do when it happens? The first couple paved the way for us to repeat, unfortunately. They immediately hid from God and framed others in the awareness of their guilt.

Commandments & Compromises

Your marriage would be much easier if sin weren’t in the picture. Unfortunately for you and your spouse, it is unavoidable. Your marriage can survive if you work together to navigate temptation, sin, and restoration when it all happens.

Fruitful & Multiply

God’s original command to the first couple was to be fruitful and multiply. It was a call to take what He had given them in order to use it and multiply it to the best of their God-given abilities. God is up to something, and your marriage can be a part of it.

Naked & Unashamed

To have a healthy marriage, you must consider numerous components. One area that is rarely discussed from a scriptural perspective is the role sexual intimacy is intended to play. We must reorient ourselves to God’s perspective.

Leave & Cleave

Marriage cannot work if someone has a higher priority than the spouse. There must be a thorough yet healthy leaving of one’s initial family and a complete and eager cleaving of one’s unique spouse. It is essential.

Helpless & Alone

God designed marriage to provide a helper because He knew that, even before sin, we needed someone to walk beside us in life. We aren’t wired to navigate life alone. In our need, He offers us a companion.

Formed & Filled

You were created by God for a certain purpose. And every person in this world will either encourage you to fulfill that purpose or discourage you from that calling. Out of all your relationships, there is none more serious than your spouse.

Engaged & Unprepared

Next to your decision to follow Jesus, there is no more critical of a decision than if and who you will marry. While you may find yourself lovestruck at some point in your life, it is essential that you have considered God’s role in your potential marriage.

Evaluating Margins

If you are at the place in your life where you have so much to do that you don’t know what to do next, it’s probably because you aren’t doing the important work of evaluation. You must ensure that you can step back to get a handle on your chaos.

Redirecting Anxiety

So many Christians feel tremendous guilt for the level of anxiety they struggle with on a daily basis. You need to realize that you haven’t sinned when anxiety hits, but you could sin by the way you address it.