Walk Worthily & Togetherly

In our desire to prioritize one’s personal relationship with Jesus, we often miss the necessary nature of discipleship being worked out in community with other believers. We can’t seek to walk worthily if we are unwilling to do so togetherly.

Church Hurt Is a Real Thing

Being a part of a church is difficult because people are involved. We must learn how to be patient with others and pray they can be patient with us as we seek to follow Jesus together.

Leading Like Jesus

Jesus single-handedly altered the course of history and is the most influential person who ever lived. As a homeless teacher, His ministry emerged from obscurity to a worldwide impact based on uncommon humility and power.

Don’t Pursue the Position

In our culture that encourages self-promotion to climb ladders of success, how should Christians seek to advance? While common sense tells us to put ourselves out there, Jesus’ uncommon wisdom tells us to humble ourselves.

The Unwelcomed Are Welcome Here

Luke 14:12-24 – In The Parable of the Great Banquet, Jesus taught to welcome those who are typically unwelcome. Those who think they deserve God’s presence rarely experience it.

Advice for Church Shoppers

If you are church shopping, let me give you some important advice: Do not come to a new church and expect it to operate like the one you just left. Perhaps the thing you miss might have contributed to its collapse.

Seeking the Worst Seat

Luke 14:7-11 – In The Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus encouraged His followers to avoid pursuing places of privilege. Exaltation is not attained by proving greatness but by relentlessly prioritizing humility.

North Greenville Fuge 2022 Recap

I watched Jesus do some amazing things at Fuge Camp hosted at North Greenville University on July 11-16, 2022. It was an honor to preach and serve alongside an incredible staff and some solid churches.

Ridgecrest Fuge 2022 Recap

The Spirit moved among Ridgecrest Fuge on June 13-17, 2022. The theme was “Matchless One,” and I was honored to preach for the camp.