Growth Is Gradual

We can only fully mature in Christ by acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. As we observe the rough edges of our spiritual conditions, we can work with Christ’s power to see progress in the most critical areas of our lives.

Suffering Is Necessary for Sanctification

No one seeks to experience suffering, yet many of us could testify that it was necessary for our personal sanctification. As we struggle through life, we see that the trials we experience drive us to need spiritual growth.

Jesus Loves Us This I Know

Jesus loves me, this I know, but the Bible tells me that He loves us so. The widespread form of His love teaches something important about His heart and our need for one another.

How to Pray When Life Has Worn You Out

Life is challenging enough even with God in one’s life; it is hard to imagine navigating this world without Him. To endure the suffering of this life, we must pray for God to give us the strength required to persevere.

Earnest Excellence

If we do something well, we ought to do it not to be flashy, but because we want to be faithful to whatever God has called us to do. We are working for Jesus on behalf of the people for whom He died, so we should give our absolute best.

The Change I’m Praying for in Me

While I have many prayer requests to share, the consistent prayer need is my own spiritual growth. Instead of trying to work in my own strength, I would be wise to admit to God, through prayer, how much I need His help.

Developing Godly Ambition

While we have plenty of examples of ambitious people eager to succeed for all the wrong reasons, that shouldn’t discourage you from being ambitious for godly motivations. Desiring to make your life count for God is as noble a motivator as possible.