Implementing Discipleship

Even though you haven’t implemented the entire Distinctive Discipleship process yet, hopefully, you are already beginning to see some growth. In this last session, you will put all the pieces together and initiate your plan. While you have experienced progress, now it is time to define your distinctive strategy which you will use for the months to come. CONSIDER While we all …


Establishing Dependence

Paul described discipleship in a complex way when he wrote, “For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within us” (Col. 1:29). God’s work and our efforts are both expected for our growth. In the last session, we studied the need for discipline as we toil for progress, but any successful improvement is due to …


Initiating Discipline

Paul described his work in discipleship as something for which he toiled (Col. 1:29). If that sounds like work to you, it is because spiritual disciplines require consistent, diligent effort on your part. In Session 6 of Distinctive Discipleship, you are going to select the most vital spiritual discipline to strengthen at this time in your life. You will determine which …


Clarifying Development

In what ways do you need development? It all depends upon what you have been given and where you have been placed. As particularly gifted and positioned disciples, we each should pursue the needed maturity to do what God has called us to accomplish. CONSIDER There’s a difference in working on something because you are supposed to learn it versus …


Strengthening Doctrine

Are you confident in the fundamentals of your faith? Maybe the better question is, do you believe what you believe? As a follower of Jesus, you have a set of doctrinal beliefs that come along with the territory. Biblical Christianity is blatant on topics in which the culture will struggle to accept. In Session 4 of Distinctive Discipleship, we are …


Confronting Disobedience

There is a sin or a few sins that easily entangle you. While we all can struggle with every possible sin imaginable, there are certain sins with which we regularly drift. In Session 3 of Distinctive Discipleship, we are going to narrow down a list of sins to the 1-3 areas which are critical for you to address right now. CONSIDER …


Discovering Delight

SESSION 2 – DISCOVERING DELIGHT Session 2 of Distinctive Discipleship is all about discovering delight. If we can truly comprehend that the fullness of God dwelt in Christ (Col. 1:19), and now the fullness of Christ dwells in us (Col. 1:27), it should cause us to become overwhelmed with a joy that energizes our desire to take advantage of that …


Evaluating Distinction

Generalized approaches can never adequately address distinct disciples. In order to see legitimate discipleship take place in your life and in the lives of those around you, we cannot depend upon widespread methods hoping to address the specific needs of everyone. [Note: Audio is distorted but audible through recording.] CONSIDER Answer these following questions: Who first introduced you to Jesus? …