In what ways do you need development? It all depends upon what you have been given and where you have been placed. As particularly gifted and positioned disciples, we each should pursue the needed maturity to do what God has called us to accomplish.
There’s a difference in working on something because you are supposed to learn it versus you are desperate to know it. Each of us knows the stark contrast between being eager and being resistant. In the list below, write down some pieces of knowledge or skill that you had to learn. Beside each item, list a reason for why you felt negative or positive towards that training.
In your group, share an item from both sides of your list and the reason you gave for each one.
Within that discussion, you probably realized that the reason you resented distinct development processes in your life is that you saw no value in training. We seem to find motivation for development when we either feel a potential risk or an exciting prospect.
- Exodus 18:1-27
- What happened to Jethro as a result of Moses’ testimony (18:10-12)?
- What did Jethro notice about Moses?
- What kind of cases do you think Moses had to address?
- How did Jethro encourage Moses to change?
Jethro provided practical help to Moses that reaped spiritual rewards. Moses’ need was unique to his situation. He didn’t need help in delegation before this time in his life, but God brought the support at a specific time. As we begin to narrow your scope, let’s think through ways that many people need to be developed. These might be practical areas, but they are related to the overall maturity of the individual (Col. 1:28).
What are the practical ways that people need training in the following categories?
- SuccessfulVocation:
- HealthyMarriage:
- IntentionalParenting:
- Church Involvement:
- PersonalFinances:
- Life Skills:
- Family: What is the most helpful skill you need with your family right now?
- Church: As you serve in the ministry of your church, what spiritual gift or practice of yours could you further develop?
- Personal: As you consider loving God with all your strength, is there an area in your life that you need to address?
As you look at those three areas, you must be realistic in deciding which ones to address at this point in your life.
Where is the most dangerous risk or the most significant prospect?
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.