It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Apathetic)

Today, we kicked off the new series, “It’s the End of the World As We Know It.”  The services today addressed those of us who feel apathetic about the Second Coming. If we are so concerned with life today, it will be difficult for us to live with the end in mind. We must live life understanding that this ain’t …


I Liked Eschatology Before Eschatology Was Cool

es·cha·tol·o·gy (ěs’kə-tŏl’ə-jē)   n. The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind. A belief or a doctrine concerning the ultimate or final things, such as death, the destiny of humanity, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgment. That’s right – I liked eschatology before eschatology was cool.  Eschatology is the study of …


Upcoming Sermon Series

The “You Asked for It” series has been unbelievable this summer.  Many churches talk about a loss of corporate momentum through a summer slump as attendance varies from week to week, and people’s interest just seems to wane.  Having our church members submit their questions through the blog and be answered from the pulpit has definitely kept people perked up. …


It’s the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel…

Many people talk today about the end of the world.  Due to global occurrences, wars, financial trauma, elected leaders, and many other phenomenon, many people think the end is near. Well one thing is certain: the end is closer than it was yesterday. The band REM came out with a song in the 1980s that was called, “It’s the End of …


Coming Again – 5th Week of GBION

In our last week of God’s Believe It or Not, we focused on one last unbelievable claim from Scripture: believe it or not, Jesus is coming again. Concerning Christ’s Second Coming, Christians either try to figure out all the details concerning his return or forget about it altogether because it is too difficult to understand. While we will never be …


Theological Survey Results

A couple of weeks ago, I conducted a theological survey of our adults at North Side. This is for a requirement for my next degree, but I tailored the questions to help our staff discern teaching and directional needs for our church in the area of evangelism and missions. Concerning conducting this survey, I was hesitant. A number of our …