God Doesn’t Need You

We often think God is desperately recruiting volunteers to get His work done, but that isn’t the case. The fact that God doesn’t need us makes His invitation all the more glorious.

God Doesn’t Need You

The universe will continue the previously planned operational schedule with or without any of us. God doesn’t need us, but He wants us.

For Such a Time as This

While God invites us into what He is doing in this world, He is not dependent upon us to make it happen. If we want to be a part of what He is working in His kingdom, we must maintain the proper perspective.

Engage the Culture

These are the notes for the opening at the South Carolina Baptist Convention 2019 Annual Meeting. You can watch the video here (around the 40-minute mark). As ministry leaders committed to engaging the culture, we must never rely upon our limited efforts. God is not dependent upon us to get our jobs done to reach this world with the gospel.

For Such a Time As This

Main Points Two Extremes: 1) God could never use me, 2) Of course God will use me. Do you believe that God wants to use you for his Kingdom purposes? Do you acknowledge that God is not dependent upon you for his Kingdom purposes? Even when God seems behind the scenes, his plan is always front and center. Levels in the Bible:

God Doesn’t Need Me

When studying God’s attributes, one must ask the question, “In light of this truth, how now should I think.  What am I to do?”  When our humanity intersects with his divinity, what damage is left from the collision?  In the case of God’s independence, this truth needs no one to impact.  In fact, none of God’s attributes actually need human

For Such a Time as This (Maybe)

I got the privilege to preach in the North Greenville Chapel service today.  It is always great to be back at my alma mater, but I consider it a huge responsibility to preach to that student body and faculty. Today, I preached a message entitled, “For Such a Time as This (Maybe)” from Esther 4.  I have always interpreted the story

Perfect Timing

What a great Sunday. As our church continues to heal, it was great to come together today and sing words like, “You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, my very present help in times of need.” In times of need like we are going through, it is comforting to know that he is presently