Don’t Be THAT Parent At Sporting Events

Sports can have a good place as long as they don’t take God’s place. Main Points 1 Timothy 4:7-8; 1 Cor. 9:25-27 Sports can have a good place as long as they don’t take God’s place. Give eternal pursuits more effort than you give temporal pursuits. What you say and how you say it reveal what you love and how …


The Presidential Election and Your Family

As Americans observe Election Day, here are some things to consider regarding how you react to the results in the presence of your family. Main Points Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s but keep from Caesar what belongs to God (See Matt. 22:21). Never allow your politics to change your religion (see Ezek. 43:8). Don’t idolize or demonize a politician …


Better vs. Biblical

It’s one thing to claim you are better, and another thing to claim you are biblical. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

Pause the Divorce Proceedings

If you are considering divorce, is there any motivation for giving the marriage one more chance? If so, go with it. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

The Danger of Worshiping As a Family

While it is great when the entire family worships together, there is danger there as well. What are we teaching our children? Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

Pursue Your Spouse

If your marriage is drifting, don’t wait for your spouse to make the first move. Pursue your spouse. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

Media Safeguards

How can you protect media influence from corrupting your children? Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

Love Before Live

Before you teach your children how to live for the Lord, have you taught them how to love the things of the Lord? Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

The Debt Snowball

Want to get out of debt? Here is a principle that can help you do just that. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

The Parent Funnel

You job is to make your child independent, but you might be going about it in the wrong order. Family Alter Videos