Helping Your Spouse

You are not called to hinder your spouse but to help your spouse. Gen. 2:18 You are not called to frustrate your spouse but to further your spouse. You are not called to clone your spouse but to compliment your spouse. You are not called to hinder your spouse but to help your spouse.

Caring for Aging Parents

Honor the position of your parent even when it is difficult to honor the personality of your parent. 1.    Prov. 23:22 2.    Honor the position of your parent even when it is difficult to honor the personality of your parent.  (Ex. 20:12) 3.    You honor God when you honor your parents. (Lev. 19:32) 4.    Your children are learning how to …


Remove Divorce From Your Vocabulary

In certain situations, divorce may be permitted but it is never promoted. Main Points Matt. 19:8 – Moses permitted divorce Eph. 5:32 In certain situations, divorce may be permitted but it is never promoted. 1. Study God’s Word for Direction 2. Pray with Your Spouse 3. Seek Biblical Counsel What do you have to lose by one session with a …


Be Disciplined Before You Discipline

Parents must discipline themselves before they discipline their children. Main Points Eph. 6:4 – Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Parents are called to disciple their children. Parents are also called to discipline their children. Parents must discipline themselves before they discipline their children. Hostile parents produce …


Why Kids Leave Church Once They Leave Home

We have replaced parents with programs and we are losing our children one generation at a time. Main Points We have expected the church to do what God expects the family to do. We have replaced parents with programs and we are losing our children one generation at a time. God’s ideal is when a family of God partners with …


Christmas Presence

Celebrate Christmas by imitating Jesus. Main Points Phil. 2:5-7 Celebrate Christmas by imitating Jesus. Be incarnational to someone in need. Help your family make a give list instead of a wish list. List out the gifts that God has already given your family. Come, let your family adore him. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

Equipping Your Family

If experience is the only thing able to produce healthy homes, then all our families are doomed. Main Points If experience is the only thing able to produce healthy homes, then all our families are doomed. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Teaching –  what’s right Reproof – what’s not right Correction – How to make it right Training in righteousness – how …


Family Reconciliation

When a family relationship is strained, how does the Bible expect you to respond? Main Points Rom. 12:18 Heb. 12:18 Col. 3:13 If it is your fault, seek forgiveness.  (James 5:16) If it isn’t your fault, offer forgiveness.  (Matt. 5:23-24) Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

Parental Nags

If parents nag about everything, children will not listen to anything. Main Points Col. 3:21 – Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Prov. 25:24 – It is better to live in a corner of the roof than in a house shared with a quarrelsome woman. If parents nag about everything, children will not listen to anything. …