Don’t Give Them What They Deserve

Our tendency is to repay people for any negative words or harmful actions, but Jesus taught quite the opposite. The way of the kingdom is counter-cultural and yet life-giving.

Let Your Spouse Off the Hook

Marriage is bound to have some troubles.  You must address conflict with your spouse wisely, and many things need to be addressed.  But I believe there are some things of which you simply need to let your spouse off the hook. Don’t get me wrong: some things need to be addressed!  But you need to address that which the spouse …


Righteous People Get Back Up After Unrighteousness

Can you sin so many times that God refuses to extend His grace any longer? Many of us struggle to follow God because of our previous shortcomings.  You mishandle your past when you fail to deal with it.  Even though it is painful to go back through failures and frustrations, you must address yesterday’s hurts if you are to experience …


Couple’s Fight Rule #3: No Reloading Discarded Weapons

In my continuing effort to help couples learn how to fight more fairly with one another, I am listing healthy fight rules.  You can view the previous ones here. The next one is: Couple’s Fight Rule #3: No Reloading Discarded Weapons Here’s how this one goes down: a spouse does something to upset his or her significant other.  That spouse …


No “Sorry, But…”

In marriage, it is very easy to justify your action based upon something your spouse did. A mature spouse desires to be reconciled more than desiring to be right.

Forgive Us Our Debts

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus offered a challenging prayer point: And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  -Matt. 6:12 This petition is very unique compared to the others.  This request for pardon comes with a distinct stipulation: forgive us as we have forgiven others. We understand that we need forgiveness.  None of us are righteous …


Let It Go

When we’ve been wronged, it’s easy for us to turn into judge, jury, and executioner. We’ve been unfairly hurt, and we think it would be fitting to make things right. The problem is this: we are not the ones who make it right—that’s God’s job.

It’s time for us to let it go.

“Forgive the same way Jesus forgives: freely and willingly. Acknowledge God as the rightful Judge over that persons’ life” (The Resolution, page 176).

If someone has hurt you, it’s simply difficult to let it go. Read Romans 12:17-21 and discover how God desires us to handle our hurts:


The Reason for Reconciliation

Who has a problem with you? Maybe you know they have said things to you or about you. Maybe they have been distant ever since that one day. The issue is so real you can feel the conflict when around them or when their name is mentioned.

Today, we are going to study a passage of Scripture that should completely altar your schedule today. No matter what you have on the agenda, something is about to take priority over all other matters: it’s time to seek reconciliation with those you have wronged. Read Jesus’ words on the issue in Matthew 5:23-24.