Leaders Worth Imitating

We’ve all had heroes in our lives. They are the people who inspire us to do better, to do more, and to make our lives count for something valuable. Your church needs the type of leaders that set the bar for others to follow in their example. It’s time to go the second mile with leaders worth imitating.

Burdensome Leaders

Within the church, we understand that we can’t have perfect leaders, but somewhere along the way, we’ve grown to accept pathetic leaders. What happens when we water down the requirements for leaders? The whole church drowns. It’s time to go the second mile with demanding for more than burdensome leaders.

Why Small Groups Need the Bible

We live in a time when the world is biblically illiterate. Why has this happened? It might be because the church has diminished its confidence in the knowledge and application of God’s Word. We need more than spiritual intentions, we need biblical truth. It’s time to go the second mile with your small group.

Succumbing to Subjective Truth

If you grow up going to church, you know that the most typical Bible study scenario is one where the teacher reads a verse and then asks the group, “What does that mean to you?” More than what it means to you, we need to know what it means to God. It’s time to go the second mile in discerning subjective truth.

Surrendering to Spiritual Studies

Christians need to ground themselves in relationships that foster consistent community. When it comes to the content guiding small groups, the possibilities are endless. What if the numerous options for curriculum are actually stifling us? It’s time to go the second mile in discerning spiritual studies.

Addressing Your Loneliness

As the state of the world lengthens the timing of social distancing and normalizes our acceptance of it, we are in danger of becoming used to isolation. Loneliness is a standard emotion for many people and the consequences are devastating.

Bring a Friend Along

As disciples of Jesus, we have the good news that this world needs to hear, but are we sharing it? Instead of waiting for people to come to you in need, have you ever considered inviting them to walk with you as you follow Jesus? I promise that it’s not as difficult as you think it is. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in bringing friends along.

Commit to Intentional Checkups

For anyone who has committed to a local church but never felt connected, I want to help you. The reason some never experience deep relationships is because interaction is never pursued outside the weekly gathering. You can’t connect through 1 hour a week. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in committing to intentional checkups.

Prioritize Your Weekly Group

When social distancing hit, most churches went to groups online. While we were all thankful for apps like Zoom, we also feel the fatigue from it all. As we navigate the upcoming months, you need to commit to yours and others’ spiritual growth. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in prioritizing your weekly group.