Disregarding the Marriage Owner Manual

Within his carefully crafted manual, God teaches me everything I need to start marriage well and to see it to completion. So, why do I resist learning from Him and try to do it on my own?

Evaluating Your Parents’ Marriage

Evaluating your parents’ marriage can drastically improve your own. This needed process will allow you to unpack some needed lessons and clarify some genuine expectations with your spouse.

Should I Get Married?

So, why do you want to get married in the first place? And what makes you think you have the right person in a world full of potential candidates?

Truth & Consequences

After Adam and Eve’s sin, God did not hide from sharing the truth and delivering the consequences. Sin’s effects on marriage are undeniable, but God’s guidance is unmistakable. 

Shame & Blame

When Adam and Eve sinned, they were inclined to hide in shame and point in blame. All marriages can fall into the same trap of refusing responsibility for sin.

Commandments & Compromises

God gave this first couple one commandment, and they quickly made compromises in order to break it. In all marriages, we are called to help each other fulfill God’s Word over meet our expectations.

The Destruction of Adultery

The temptation of adultery does a masterful job of highlighting the momentary pleasure while disguising the long-term pain. You must be careful to avoid a trap of falling for anyone who does not belong to you.

Fruitful & Multiply

As God placed His stamp upon Adam and Eve, He intended them to spread that image throughout the world. He calls families to be fruitful and multiply through their homes.