Avoiding Divorce

While divorce is permitted in the Bible, it is never promoted in the Bible. Learn what Jesus had to say about those considering dissolving a marriage union.

Your Spouse’s Pride Is Hurting Your Marriage

Do you believe that your spouse’s pride might be hurting your marriage? Could that be said of you as well? It’s always easier to spot pride in your spouse’s life than it is to acknowledge it in your own life.

Love Your Kids By Prioritizing Your Spouse

As you lovingly teach your children that your spouse comes first, you are modeling healthy marriage for them, maintaining emotional security for them, and maturing your own marriage before them. Never neglect the task of shepherding your children in the ways of the Lord (Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4), but never forget that one of the main ways you can do that is by loving their other parent.

Avoiding Adultery

A marriage cannot work with three people in it. Whether you have been guilty, considered it, or believe yourself to be immune to the temptation, it’s time to get real about avoiding adultery.

What Pornography Does to a Marriage

In many homes, the marriage is overcrowded due to how one or both partners have consumed pornography. This voyeuristic pandemic is robbing couples of marital oneness and sexual enjoyment.

Walking with Jesus and Your Spouse

Following behind Jesus is a good path. Walking beside your spouse is a special journey as well. What happens if those two directions are opposing each other? It is possible to follow Jesus and walk beside your spouse. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in prioritizing a spiritually-enriching marriage.

The Marriage Triumphant Through Trials

If each of us is promised to encounter trials in this life, that guarantees that those who are married will experience double the amount. Life will throw certain challenges at each of you, but they don’t have to come in between you. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in having a marriage triumphant through trials.

Making a List for Your Future Spouse

If you are single, maybe you think about getting married one day. As friends progress through their wedding days, the pressure can mount for you to find someone. While eagerness for marriage is a good trait, you must be careful not to rush into something that’s not ideal. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in your dating preparation.

The Misaligned Marriage

If you still want to be with your spouse at the end of your life, you must be heading in the same direction now. So many marriages struggle due to misalignment.  The two partners simply pointed themselves in different directions.  In reality, the danger is in the subtlety of it all.  Rarely do people marry another who has an entirely