Making the Non-Negotiable List for Mr. or Mrs. Right

The biggest decision of your life is choosing whether or not to follow Jesus. The second biggest decision of your life is choosing who to walk beside as you follow Jesus. If you are single, someone may have told you to come up with a list of non-negotiables that must be present for you to consider a person as a

How Pornography Can Ruin Your Current (or Future) Marriage

To honor your marriage, you must keep the marriage bed pure from anyone else invading it.  That includes real experiences and virtual experiences.  Sex isn’t the problem.  Sexual desires are not the issue.  The dilemma is when we attempt to meet a God-given desire in an ungodly way.  You are supposed to have your sexual needs met with your spouse

Establish Fight Rules for Your Marriage

I love sitting down with couples to lead pre-marital counseling. As we discuss all the opportunities and complexities that marriage brings, I will often ask, “So, tell me how you two handle conflict?”  In some instances, they will look at each other in such a way that makes me think they were arguing on the drive over to meet me.

Bible Verses on Marriage

The Bible has much to say regarding marriage. Here are 10 pivotal Bible verses on this blessed union. Gen. 2:24 – Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Mark 10:9 – Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Song of Solomon 8:7

What I Learned in the First 15 Years of Marriage

It is hard to fathom that we have been married for 15 years. In some ways, it has gone by so quickly. In other ways, when I realize all that has happened, it is amazing that it has all been crammed in within 15 years. I am still incredibly amazed that Amanda agreed to marry me. That’s not just obligatory

Don’t Ruin Your Marriage During Your Engagement

We were months away from being married. I was counting down the days. While I loved getting used to calling Amanda my fiancé, I was extremely eager to introduce her to others as my wife.   I was looking forward to every aspect of marriage, but there was this thing that got in the way of it – it’s called

Making Time for Your Marriage

Romance, nurture, and communication takes time.  Setting an appointment to spend together is going the first mile, but that isn’t enough to have a thriving marriage.  Do you want your relationship to feel vibrant again?  It’s time to go the second mile by making time for your marriage. Subscribe to The 2nd Mile Podcast >> 5 Reminders The tragedy of how

The Small Issue in Your Marriage That Will Make a Big Mess

Before moving into a house, most people go through a home inspection. Years ago, our inspector caught numerous issues that had to be addressed, but he missed a small one. Honestly, the discrepancy was only a few centimeters. I never even noticed it until we had been in the house for quite some time. The discrepancy was a pipe that

Is There Marriage in Heaven?

People wanted to know what Jesus believed about the status of marriage in heaven. Jesus emphasized that what we receive in heaven will be greater than what we take with us to heaven. Mark 12:18-27 18 And Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection. And they asked him a question, saying,19 “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if

What God Has Joined Together

Jesus was questioned regarding the nature of marriage and the opportunity for divorce. When an eternal God puts something together, it should last forever. Let Nothing Separate By determining what issues are worthy of divorce, many people attempt to discover a way out of their marriage. Due to the stubborn nature of people, God provided a civil manner through divorce