The Greatest Is the Nearest

While God’s transcendence is amazing, His immanence is astonishing. The most surprising thing about our exalted God is how close He comes to ones like us. The transcendence of God means that He greatly surpasses our human worth and experience. The immanence of God means that he is intimately close to us. Psalm 113 113 Praise the Lord!Praise, O servants of the Lord,    praise

Stop Belittling God in Church

While most of us would say that God is great, do we speak in a way worthy of him? God is great.  God is big.  God is transcendent. The natural line of thinking regarding God’s transcendence is to picture him as higher than us.  While that it is true, this attribute is not about him being taller or having a

Pursuing Tozer

A. W. Tozer was a pastor, theologian, and author that defied typical categories. His example is one to be studied for all those desirous to pursuing God.

The Resurrection of the Christ

In our Christology, we have reached a pretty pivotal section: the resurrection of the Christ.  Jesus is risen!  He is risen indeed!

Few people deny the fact that a man named Jesus lived on this earth, gathered a large following, seemed to be a pretty decent guy, and then was killed.  The point of debate has always been: did a dead man rise from the grave?

As we think about this section, here are some things to remember: