How Sensual Exposure Affects a Marriage

One of the greatest threats to sexual purity and marital intimacy is the exposure of immoral material present in our society. Being a member of this culture ensures that you have been exposed to sinful content and suggestive comments that distort sexual sanctity.

Persevering Through Presence

You are committed to a church. That’s great, but how do you navigate the complexities of life when most of the challenging moments happen outside of your church gatherings? We need each other more than once a week.

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

“Why do bad things happen to good people?” I’m asked this question a lot.  Job asked that as well. I’m also asked who is responsible for our troubles.  Is it God?  Satan?  Others? In this sermon, I focus on Job 23:8-13 and discuss this issue. [This sermon is in a series of messages I make for a collegiate athletic team while they …


The Story of Job

A few years ago, I preached a sermon through the Book of Job. As if I was Job. Job was a righteous man who went through a terrible storm in his life.  In this monologue, I shared the message of the entire Book of Job and showed how he stayed faithful through the storms.  Pray this message can be a source …


The Story of Job

Job Grab

What a wonderful day of worship at North Side!  I got the incredible privilege to preach to finish up our 2-week series, “Through the Storms.”  Ken Petrus did such a fantastic job sharing his heart last week, and it is an honor to follow his lead!

During his message last Sunday, I felt the direction to go in a different path than previously scripted.  I feel like the Holy Spirit was guiding me to preach through the entire Book of Job.

From the perspective of Job.

I went into character for the message today.  I even grew a beard for this message (that’s commitment ;))!  I tried to convey what it’s like when you go through a storm and want to ask God why you are in it.  Then, what it is like when he actually responds.  As I traveled through the book, we would put up key scriptures to keep people moving along.  At the end when God finally speaks, we used some really neat pictures of God’s creation to drive home the truth that God is in control.  The band went right into “Indescribable,” which much of the imagery there comes straight out of Job 38-42.

Today, we worshiped to:


How Many Sexual Partners Have You Had?

If you’ve ever given blood, you have answered some of the most awkward questions you have probably ever been asked in your life. Many of those questions revolve around your sexual activity. Included in the lineup of questions is a question concerning different sexual partners you have been involved with in recent years. Even if you don’t have a checkered