Pray for Gospel Workers

Pastors and ministry leaders pray for many people, but how many people actually pray for them?  We should be thankful for these effective prayers that are prayed by these righteous gospel workers on our behalf (James 5:16), but we must also not neglect to pray for them. The enemy is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour …


Tips Concerning How to Catch Up on Bible Reading

The last couple of weeks have been super busy.  As I am leading a group of folks through our 100 Day Bible Reading Plan, I have to confess something: I got behind. A few days behind. During ministry, early morning camp schedules, family stuff going on, I got more and more behind in my Bible reading plan.  I also got …


The Peace that Surpasses All Comprehension


The picture above was taken during the funeral for Eric Petrus.  Eric was a friend of mine for many years.  We’re the same age.  Eric battled cancer for over a 3rd of his life.

And he won.

He has finally been healed by God.  The struggle is over, and cancer will never cause an ounce of pain or grief for him ever again.  He is home.

As I sat through his funeral, I watched the most vivid example of the “peace that surpasses all comprehension” displayed through Ken Petrus at his son’s funeral.  That is Ken on the right side of the picture praying over the hundreds of people in attendance.  For those in attendance, it was a remarkable display of composure and peace.

It’s much more than he didn’t break out into weeping like most people would.  That wouldn’t have made his message a failure.  Grieving is not evil.  It was his honesty and hope that spoke volumes.


We Can’t Hear THE Name Because All We Hear is YOUR Name


We live in a very interesting time in American Christianity.  In some ways, so much incredible Kingdom stuff is happening.  In other ways, I feel like we can’t hear THE name because all we hear is YOUR name.

Translation: many Christian leaders and Christian ministries are focused more on building their kingdoms than they are on building God’s Kingdom.


Zuckerberg, Lucas, and You

Something is wrong with the world as we know it.

Facebook has changed yet again, and the Facebook community is in a tizzy.  Disgust and outrage fill status feeds, news reports, and paper headlines.  How dare Mark Zuckerberg keep changing a good thing?

Within days of the Facebook mutiny, global Star Wars fans are distraught that George Lucas has changed scenes yet again in his recent Blu-Ray versions of the Star Wars saga.  Tinkering with some effects is one thing, but when he started changing details in the story lines reopened the scab for those still upset that Han Solo was “provoked” by Greedo.

So, let me get this straight.  Most of the world is hooked on Facebook.  Created by brilliant college student, Facebook is the way people attempt to share life these days and is the most visited website in the world.  It has literally changed how people function in our society.  And we are mad at the guy who made it because he changed it?

George Lucas, who single handedly changed the movie industry, wrote a script that millions of fans have memorized.  When he decides to enhance a story that he wrote, we get mad at him for changing what we like as if he has no rights to the story.

The outrage this week reminded me how we think we are the center of the universe.


The Most Misinterpreted Verse in the Bible

Today was a great day to be a part of North Side. The praise band led us in this amazing time of “unplugged” worship (have I told you people lately I am working myself out of a job?!) – thank you Eric, John, Peggy, and Leah.  Breathtaking and genuine: Made to Worship – Chris Tomlin Make Me Holy – North

Why 30-Year-Olds Hate Their Jobs

This post is the result of a study I have been doing lately.  It seems like that many people around the age of 30 are miserable in their jobs, state of life, status, acquired wealth, etc.  I recently had a discussion with some friends about this issue, and I have come up with some conclusions that might help some of