We’re singing the Crowder song, “O Praise Him” at North Side on Sunday and I am really excited. I’m excited because I remember the first time I heard it. I put the new Passion CD in my CD player and almost had to pull over on the side of the road. There’s something special about a song here on earth that gets close to portraying how big Jesus is. Now granted, no worship this side of eternity will ever suffice, there is always inadequacies with what we bring before God. But when I heard this song by David Crowder, I really thought, here’s a taste of heaven.
Here’s a fraction of what the worship in heaven will be like: powerful, passionate, and loud. This song makes me want to do great things for a great God. I think that is a good sign of a powerful worship song.
The video below is something that Highway Video put out which is a great video. I don’t know why I normally want to cry or go take on something larger than myself when I see it. It is intimate worship among a world to busy to notice God. It’s the choice to become more undignified than what has been seen before. It’s just a small picture of what it is like when worshippers truly get wrapped up in God. Can’t wait till Sunday!
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.