Shake-n-Shine is coming around the corner! Below is a message from our Project Love guru, Rick Hendricks. Read to see how you can help out:
Shake N Shine, our camp for children in Greenwood, will take place July 14-18, again this year at Erskine College, and we need your help.
We’re asking C-groups, Sunday School classes to assist us with the camp this year and we need shepherds and other leaders in our church to get the word about a couple of things connected to the camp.
First, we need counselors – we’re looking at taking as many as 80 children this year and as you probably know, we try to make the camp a one-on-one experience for the kids, so for every kid we take, we need a counselor to go to camp with us. The number of counselors we’re able to get signed will determine the number of children we’re able to take.
Counselor applications, background check forms and medical forms are for the first time available online this year. Simply go to the North Side home page and click on the slide for Shake N Shine applications. Applications are also available at the front desk and at the information desk in the worship center.
Second, we’re trying to collect 80 toiletry bags for the children (40 girls, 40 boys). If you’re interested in collecting some of the bags, let me know and I’ll provide a list of items we need in each bag.
Third, we’re also in need of blankets and pillows for kids who don’t have them, so if your group or individuals would like to donate some of those, please let me know.
Lastly, we’ve had requests already from people who want to help during the evening hours at Shake N Shine. If your group or individuals would like to do that, just let me know.
Thanks for all you do for our church and let me personally thank you in advance for helping get the word out about the camp.
In Christ,
For more info, email Rick!
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.