If you haven’t heard the buzz around the church world, a secret sort of leaked out last week. The rumor mill has been buzzing that Louie Giglio and Chris Tomlin are planting a church in Atlanta, GA. Is it true?
Actually, some of it is incomplete. Matt and Beth Redman and the Nockels (Watermark) supposedly will also be helping. The Passion Church doesn’t have too many details yet except for the fact that it is happening.
Here’s the word right from Louie’s mouth:
I have issues with this church plant. Not the fact that there are mega, satellite churches already in the area. Not the fact that Louie is a member of North Point and best friends with Andy Stanley and planting a church in the same town.
My problem is that I thought the same thing you did when you found out: wow, what an incredible church that’s going to be!
And that is a completely ungodly focus if we think that a church will be more effective based upon well-known, polished leaders (by the way, I’m not bashing these guys at all, the two of them have done more in my life than I can even count). God is still in the business of using the weak things in this world to shame the strong. And my first thought (as well as yours probably) was how impressive that church would be before the doors open up. The church is not a couple of leaders, it is a body of people.
If people come to see Giglio and Tomlin, they might forget what church truly is about.
I pray that this church’s ministry is global in its impact. I pray they do so much for the Kingdom! I am so excited about what God will do through this team because I truly believe in their hearts and their perspective of serving a very big God.
I am more upset about you and me. I am worried that we all were awestruck hearing about this lineup. I pray that we all remember who truly changes lives and He is moving in every church, regardless of name, leaders, place, size, budget, or potential.
When Jesus is the main deal, things will happen.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
i know these guys are super annointed. This is my problem: i might go there for the wrong reasons. i might end up stumbling. amazing line up? definitely. im worried coz im motivated by the wrong things. lets pray that everyone who goes there goes to seek God alone. im sure louie and chris are praying for the same thing. 🙂
You would think the city of Atlanta is the most unchurched region in the world.
Well after reading 2 Cor. 4 all I can say is, that taking care of the Body of Christ is going to take sweat, your breath, and lots of dying to self. One doesn’t enter ministry lightly and I’m sure you haven’t.
God is able to make you stand and provide the strength and wisdom through His Holy Spirit.
May God help us to walk humbly and God will use you(us) mightly.
His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. (Isa. 55:8)
What do we have that hasn’t been given to us.
To God Be Glory!
you have got to remember that there is a REASON these guys have the influential power that they do. they are REALLY GOOD at what they do. and wnyone who went to passion this summer can tell you that once your past a sort of star struck aspect these guys do a really good job of keeping the focus on God. Chris is an AMAZING worship leader and Louie is a phenomenal preacher for GOD. and what a tool this will be when trying to invite people and getting people to come to Jesus. I love it and CANT WAIT!! 🙂
Totally agree with you, Turner! Great insight – I appreciate these guys ministry!