As I woke up this morning, I thought that the “Marriage by the Book” series was what we have been looking for as a church. Not only was the content right on, but the whole effort was so quality due to God’s leading and his servants responding. We did pray that some marriages would be saved through this series. I wish I could tell you all the stories I have been hearing because they would overwhelm you!
If you remember, we started this series out with Date Night which was a huge success. As a result, we have had many couples attend the following Sundays. Some couples have started getting plugged into Connect or a C-Group. You always say that could happen with an outreach event but have quasi-faith it will happen. Well this time around, God really did it.
With the services having everything geared towards marriage, the great Compass material, and so many other endeavors, we simply had a jamming marriage conference during the month of February. Organizationally, we saw the power of when the whole church and its activities center around one big idea.
Here’s a couple of follow-ups for you:
Fireproof. I was very impacted by this screening seeing it for the first time last night at church. At the end, Amanda and I were giggling as we heard all the sniffling in the room. I have to admit, we were sniffling too. What a great portrayal of love – we cannot love until we have been loved by Christ!
Love Dare. Amanda and I have been reading through The Love Dare (the book referenced in the movie) for a while now. We are on Day 21. When I had a gift card for a bookstore, I purchased this a few weeks ago, and we have really enjoyed it. While the book is probably used best by a spouse on an unknowing spouse, we have still enjoyed doing the dares together. On the day when you are supposed to call the other just to check on them, we were racing each other to see who could call first! It is a really good book.
If you don’t like that book, we have stocked the bookstore with some great marriage books that we will have for a couple more weeks. Husbands, shock your wives by purchasing a book and telling her you are going to read it together to continue to work on your marriage after the series is over.
I pray that our church is full of people who not only love their spouses, but we simply love the institution of marriage. We live with our spouses in a way that says we absolutely love God’s idea of marriage and we want to honor him in this relationship!
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
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