Your Kids’ Best Chance

legacy-sermon-iconToday, we started the Legacy series at North Side.  I started it out with a message entitled “Your Kids’ Best Chance.”  You can listen to it here.  May is going to be an incredible month as we focus on the family.  I am so excited for what is in store.  Are you ready to see your home change?  Remember, my family cannot change if I stay the same.

At the cusp of entering the Promised Land, Moses gathered the people of Israel for one last list of instructions. Before reminding the people of the commands God had given them, Moses reminds the people that the most important thing they could do was to love God extremely. In Deut. 6:4-9, Moses tells the people to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength, but he then tells them to model and teach that love to their own children. From the beginning, God orchestrated family in such a way that a child’s best chance at following God is the model and instruction he or she receives from his or her parents.

The band did a great job leading in worship today:

  • Blessed Be Your Name – Matt Redman
  • Center – Charlie Hall
  • High and Lifted Up – Hillsong
  • Your Home – Travis Agnew

Did you apply the message today?

  1. Did you gather the family together today to see where everyone was spiritually?
  2. Couples, did you pray over your family tonight?
  3. Parents, have you planned an intentional time with each of your children?