I had a blast going to Nashville and back this week. I have been asked to write for LifeWay’s Life Truths Adult Sunday School curriculum (what an honor – thanks guys). So Monday morning, I headed up to Nashville to the giant megaplex of One LifeWay Plaza, worked until 9:30, worked all day and night Tuesday, and headed out on Wednesday in time to teach class at North Side.
The Sunday School curriculum I am writing is for parents. Currently, there are 2200 churches that use this curriculum (no pressure) from the Southern Baptist Convention and other churches. My unit will come out May 2010 and is called “I (Still) Do.” This marriage series will be a joy to write. They are doing some very innovative stuff for the new design which is being unveiled this Fall. I got to see the first two units – ambitious, snazzy, and creative.
Please pray for the writing process and here are some pictures from the last couple of days:
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
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