My Son Has Learned to Say “No” (And I Taught Him)


Thanksgiving holiday was a great week for our family.  Having some days off of work created a lot of family time for us.  While most things were great this week, one addition to Obadiah’s vocabulary changed family morale greatly.

Obadiah’s new favorite word is “no” (actually it is “nooooo” because he holds it out long and shakes his head).

“Good morning, buddy.  Did you sleep well?”


“Did you throw Spot out of the crib?”


“Do you love Dada?”


“Do you want to eat something?”


At least on the last question, I know he’s lying.  Whenever he tells me no, I get irritated.  Who is this 19 month old who thinks he has the right to tell his father “no?”  I change his diapers, feed him, provide for him, protect him, play with him, read to him, talk to him, love on him, dance with him, play music with him, pray for him, lose sleep for him, and he has the audacity to tell his paterfamilias “no?”

And then I realize that I am the one who taught him that.  I tell my Heavenly Father “no” all the time.

“Good morning, buddy.  Did you sleep well?


“Can I help you with your burdens today?”


“Will you decide to make others first today?”


“Will you obey my Word?”


Maybe my problem with Obadiah today is the same problem that God has with me.  He feeds me, provides for me, protects me, brings me joy, talks to me, loves on me, dances over me, prays for me, never sleeps so he can watch over me, and I have the audacity to tell him “no.”

Have you been telling your Father “no” lately?  What could you say “yes” to today that he has been asking you?