Is Your PLACE on the NS Worship Team?

North Side is having a ministry fair this Sunday night in the FLC at 5:30.  This fellowship time full of food and such will also be a place where you can get more info on how you can get involved in all things North Side.

Have you ever wondered if your place to serve in ministry is on our worship team?  We have three main groups on our team:

  1. Tech Team – sound, lighting, video, camera, computers, etc.
  2. Music Team – musicians and vocalists
  3. Host Team – greeters, ushers, and parking lot crew

Each of these teams have some quality people on them.  While these groups don’t primarily serve as a small group, so much life interaction and discipleship happens in these groups.  It’s amazing to see the friendships and body-life that happens on our team.

If you are interested in finding a place to serve weekly, monthly, or however, we have some info waiting on you Sunday night.  Come and see us in the Family Life Center.  Hope we can see you there!

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