Welcome Back Lander Students!


So excited to see Greenwood buzzing with all the new and returning Lander students this week!  As you guys get back in the groove, I wanted to let you know about a few things for college students:

  1. RELI 101 – I still have some openings at TR 1:15-2:45 for my Religions course I teach.  Would love to see you in there!
  2. BCM – Scott Smith and the gang are having some free BBQ tonight at the center at 5:30.  Their services kick off Thursday at 9pm, and the following 2 Thursdays, I get the privilege of speaking – can’t wait to see you there!
  3. College Lunch – This Sunday, we are having a free homecooked meal for college students after our 11:15 service (around 12:30).  Come on out, we would love to have you!
  4. NS College Group – Starting next Wednesday night, I am leading a college Bible study at North Side I would love you to be a part of.  We are meeting in the Family Life Center at 8pm on September 8th.  Bring a Bible, bring a friend, and we are going to get after it – can’t wait to spend this semester doing some serious discipleship with college students.

Any questions on how you can get involved or serve in any of these areas, please comment and I will get back to you!

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