Skipped Passages of 1 Peter?


I have heard some great feedback concerning our 1 Peter worship project.  From people within the church to people that have heard about it somewhere else, folks have been very encouraging about the thought about an album that teaches the truths of a book of the Bible through music.  The music is complete and we are less than 2 weeks away where we are recording the music live in an old chapel at Epworth Camp.

Those who know the message of 1 Peter have asked a recurring question: “What passages are you skipping in 1 Peter?”

What that means is it seems kinda difficult to envision a song on a worship album focusing on submitting to bosses.  It wouldn’t be comfortable these days to talk about honoring governmental authorities with which you disagree.  How could you write a song concerning the physical appearance of women?  Can a song address how a man should live with his wife in an understanding way since she is weaker than him?  Is it possible to sing a song about how pastors should shepherd their congregations?

I was like you.  I was unsure if that could be done in a way that did not veer in the cheesy.

So, we prayed a lot.

We studied a lot.

We worked very, very hard.

And, the project is not perfect, but it did take a very, good shot at being faithful to 1 Peter.

All of 1 Peter.

The more palatable passages and the more difficult ones are all represented through music.

Our prayer is that the biblical truths of 1 Peter will be stuck in your ears and invade your hearts.

Here’s the track listing:

  1. Living Hope – power of salvation in Jesus Christ
  2. Holy – God’s call on our lives to be like him
  3. The Cornerstone – Jesus is our foundation
  4. Declare Your Praise – we have been called out of darkness to proclaim his marvelous light
  5. Suffer Like Him – submit to those you don’t respect, and if you suffer, suffer well
  6. Without a Word – how to change your husband
  7. I Will Honor You – how to honor your wife
  8. My Hope – how we respond to a world that doesn’t understand us
  9. With the Time I Have Left – the manner in which we are to live our lives with the time remaining
  10. We Rejoice – how we handle the trials that come upon us
  11. Shepherd the Flock – the charge to pastors
  12. Humble Yourselves – either we can humble ourselves or God can do it for us

We would love for you to join us for this night of worship as we sing through 1 Peter.  More info on the event here.