Weekly Wisdom [04.20.18]

Need some Weekly Wisdom?  Here are my favorite resources of the week.

Verse of the Week

He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God. -Romans 4:25

Book of the Week

Exalting Jesus in Mark (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary) by Daniel Akin

Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Exalting Jesus in Mark is written by Daniel L. Akin.

  1. To summarize, Mark recorded, in rapid-fire succession, specific events from the life and ministry of Jesus to prove to a Roman audience that He is the Christ, the Son of God, who served, suffered, died, and rose again as the Suffering Servant of the Lord depicted by the prophet Isaiah (3).
  2. God’s will is not always safe, but it is always best (16)!
  3. Jesus came to inaugurate His kingdom by proclaiming the message of the gospel to faithful followers who would carry this message to all people (17).

Podcast of the Week

Design Patterns in the Bible, Live from Milpitas! Part 2 – by the Bible Project

This is part 2 in our live conversation from Milpitas California! Tim and Jon continue their discussion on design patterns in the Bible.

Quote of the Week

No man has a right to be idle.
William Wilberforce

Song of the Week

So any youth group kid from the 90’s should appreciate the throwback to the classic Steven Curtis Chapman’s “The Great Adventure.”  I introduced this song to my kids this year, and they have loved it.  First song I ever sang in church.

Post of the Week

5 Steps to Be a Better Reader (And Read Better Books) by Scott Slayton

One of the questions I frequently hear asked of those who read a lot is how they “find time” to read. We’ll deal with the fallacy of “finding time” soon, but making the time to read is not as difficult as you would think. It is simply a question of making reading a priority and taking advantage of natural breaks in your schedule.

Here are five tactics that might help you read more efficiently.

Tip of the Week

Clean your desk and computer desktop at the end of every week.  One task I put on my to-do list at the end of every office week is to clean my desk and my desktop.  Both obviously get cluttered and covered up overtime.  This 5-15 minute task each week allows me to begin the next week less stressed out and keeping all of my stuff organized over the long haul.