Good Gospel Friends

Since Paul couldn’t personally gather with the church of Philippi, he planned on sending two individuals who epitomized reliable, gospel companions. We need to have good gospel friends, and we need to be good gospel friends to others.

Philippians 2:19-30

  • We have unfortunately reduced Christianity to a one-time decision rather than a lifelong journey.
  • Life requires companions more than content.
  • Since Paul couldn’t personally gather with the church of Philippi, he planned on sending two individuals who epitomized reliable, gospel companions.

Timothy’s Example (2:19-24)

  • If Jesus is concerned for your welfare, then those who follow Him will be as well.
  • Relationships are built over time and through trials.
  • If your church doesn’t feel like a family, you are missing a critical piece of spiritual development.

Epaphroditus’ Example (2:25-30)

  • Christianity without companionship is not Christianity at all.
  • Your deepest concerns should not be your personal conveniences but the legitimate needs of others.
  • God can use separation to teach us the real need that we have for each other.


  • Your spiritual temperature can be gauged by the quality and proximity of your relationships.
  • We need to have good gospel friends, and we need to be good gospel friends to others.
  • Your current level of longing for the Body of Christ reveals your actual connection to it.
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