When King Belshazzar took the vessels from the temple and used them for idolatrous purposes, God sent a frightening message to the people. The writing on the wall seeks to remind us that when God has had enough, He puts an abrupt end to sin.
- When King Belshazzar utilized vessels from the temple in Jerusalem for his sinful party, a mysterious hand delivered an unknown message (5:1-9).
- The people sought Daniel’s help, who used the opportunity to remind them of lessons unlearned and to confront them of lines crossed (5:10-23).
- Daniel told the king that God had declared an end to his kingdom, and he was killed that very night by an invading empire (5:24-31).
- Even unbelievers can recognize the Spirit of God in the life of a believer (5:11, 14).
- While we marvel at the miraculous moments in Daniel’s life, we miss an important truth if we fail to notice all the mundane moments in between (5:12).
- If we don’t learn the lessons from our ancestors before us, we are doomed to repeat them (5:22).
- Don’t utilize any vessel for sin if God designed it for worship.
- Be aware that your greatest dangers are the ones that come from within.
- Don’t put God off for one more moment because He hasn’t promised that you have another one to spare.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.