Dealing With Anxiety as a Christian

All Christians deal with differing levels of stress, fear, and anxiety. Learn how to process through these feelings and walk in truth.

The Truth About Change

  • Change comes to everyone.
  • Change comes in varying degrees.
  • Change comes for specific reasons.
  • Change is often out of our control.

10 Biblical Reasons for Suffering

  1. Genesis 50:20 – To bring about God’s provision and providence
  2. Job 1:6-12 – To silence Satan
  3. Genesis 22:1-18 – To test our faith
  4. Hebrews 12:5-11 – To chasten us for our sins
  5. Galatians 5:22-23; James 1:2-4 – To produce the Fruit of the Spirit
  6. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 – To open doors of ministry
  7. John 9:1-3 – To glorify God
  8. Mark 6:45-52 – To know more of God
  9. Mark 9:14-29 – To increase our faith
  10. Romans 8:16-18; 26-30 – To make us more like Christ

Healthy Fear vs. Anxiety

  • Healthy fear is a concern that requires a healthy response from you.
  • Healthy fear is a necessary part of living in a fallen world.
  • Anxiety/worry springs from fearful thoughts that don’t require an immediate response from you.
  • Anxiety is fear about what might come tomorrow.

Casting Your Cares on Jesus

  1. Identify if it’s an anxious thought.
  2. Expose it – This thought is not from your Heavenly Father!
  3. Cast it off – Replace it with something that is truer about yourself, God, or your situations than the anxious thought.
  4. Engage your will and your intellect instead of surrendering to your anxious feelings and emotions.
  5. Choose to think on truth.
  6. Pray.