Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to correct us when we are in the wrong. In His discipline, He is more concerned with teaching us what we should do rather than shaming us for what we have done.
- Some of us are suffering right now because God loves us so much, and we love Him so little.
- What if the things you want God to remove from your life are His attempts to wake you up?
Hatred (3:11)
- When blinded by sin, we rebel against anyone who challenges our desired course of action.
- Don’t respond to God’s loving correction with defiant reactions.
Exhaustion (3:11)
- If you are weary of God’s discipline, then stop giving Him reasons to discipline you in the first place.
- You will not outlast God’s desire to make you holy, so stop working against Him.
Acceptance (3:12)
- If God didn’t love you, He wouldn’t have saved you repeatedly from your destructive patterns.
- To wish that the LORD would stop disciplining you means that you don’t want Him to care for you so much.
- The most loving thing God can do is confront you with any means necessary when you are drifting from Him.
- If you aren’t receiving God’s discipline, that means that His judgment still awaits.
- Saints receive God’s discipline; sinners receive God’s wrath.
- Are you present when God calls the family meeting?
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.