Everyone Discipling Someone

If we genuinely care for others, we will prioritize their spiritual development. It is hard to fathom the impact we could see if everyone took the responsibility to disciple at least one other person.

1 Thessalonians 2:7-12

Like a Mother (2:7-8)

  • Each of us needs gentle caretakers helping us develop in all the necessary ways (2:7).
  • We do not love someone completely until we become intentional about their spiritual condition (2:8).

Like a Sibling (2:9-10)

  • We should fight against doing anything that creates a moral burden for those around us (2:9).
  • The greatest lessons we will ever teach are the truths embedded into our character (2:10).

Like a Father (2:11-12)

  • At some point in our lives, we ought to take personal responsibility for someone’s discipleship (2:11).
  • Discipleship requires an intentional mentor to teach another how to follow God (2:12).

We are making disciples who take personal responsibility for Kingdom activity.

  • Paths – What is your personal plan to grow spiritually?
  • Partners – Who are you intentionally partnered with for spiritual growth?
  • Permissions – Where has God placed you to live with a Kingdom mindset?
  • Purposes – Who will you take responsibility for discipling?
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