God Hasn’t Given Up on You

While we haven’t arrived at God’s destination for our lives, we should watch for signs to determine if we are getting there. God hasn’t given up on us, and He will continue to work on us until He finishes what He started.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

God hasn’t given up on you, and neither have we.

We are a church committed to helping you make progress in what matters most.


  • A simple way to determine the needed work in your life is by evaluating which areas lack peace.
  • God has taken responsibility to provide you with redemptive, relational, and restorative peace.


  • If we don’t desire partial salvation, we should not accept unfinished sanctification.
  • God has an unshaken interest in seeing you become wholly holy.


  • The goal of sanctification is that we would look like Him once we finally look at Him.
  • God’s promise for our growth is reliable, but our commitment to that end is what remains in question. 

If God hasn’t given up on you, then why have you?

You may disbelieve your ability to make progress, but don’t you dare doubt what God can do through you.

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