When We Work Together

Nehemiah 3:1-32 – As the work on the wall began, Nehemiah organized the people into specific groups to accomplish the greater task. When we work together as the people of God, we can marvel at the progress He intentionally makes among us.

Nehemiah’s Example

  • The priests prioritized rebuilding the systems that highlighted their central need for forgiveness (3:1).
  • God used people to rebuild regardless of their occupation (3-8), status (9-11), or gender (12).
  • Some people refused to work because they thought certain tasks were beneath them (3:5).
  • One group was so efficient that they received additional opportunities (3:5, 27).
  • Productivity for the people of God was linked to the proximity of where each family lived (3:28).
  • The plan utilized many people doing specific tasks to accomplish something greater together.

Our Response

  • If we are forgiven by God, we should be eager to leverage our lives for His purposes.
  • If you believe yourself to be too important to undertake God’s work, you will miss out on the highest honors of your life.
  • We could accomplish more if everyone did something rather than some people doing everything.

When we work with those beside us for some purpose above us, we see what God can do through us.