Kid’s Ministry Considerations

Churches must consider how to best structure environments so kids can learn to follow Jesus better. Consider how you structure your content and context as you minister to them.

The Atrocity of Selfish Christianity

If you listen to the way many Christians talk today, we sound so different from the way Jesus expected us to live and serve others. Instead of making it about Him and others, we make it all about becoming as comfortable as possible.

6 Tips for Preschool Ministry

A preschool’s ministry in a church is more than glorified babysitting. Consider these tips as you intentionally invest in the youngest people in your church family.

Family Ministry Considerations

We organize our next-generation ministries under one umbrella because we do not want to silo individual efforts away from others. While some of our approaches vary due to the ages, the overall strategy is the same and unified.

“You Be You” Is Horrible Advice

We live in a world that encourages you to be you; the phrase implies that you should just live however you want. In all honesty, I can’t think of a more dangerous set of instructions to incorporate as you try to succeed at what God has called you to do.


Jesus’ ministry only lasted three years, but the effect of it has completely changed history. In studying the critical components of his ministry, we can better ascertain the purpose for which he came. 

If You’ve Got Good Leaders in Your Church

While no human leader is perfect, we should consider ourselves blessed to have godly leaders charting our path. If a minister is following Christ, it shouldn’t be a struggle to follow the one at the front of the pack heading in a Godward direction.

My 2023 in 23 Photos

It is difficult to summarize all that happens in life, family, ministry, and church within a year, but I wanted to try. Looking back helps me see God’s faithful hand all along the way.

Top Posts of 2023

Out of 260 posts, these 10 connected the most in 2023. I pray they can encourage you as well.