Exodus 28:1-29:46 – God provided precise instructions regarding His expectations of the priests’ covering and consecration. As a kingdom of priests, our hope is being clothed in the righteousness of a perfect sacrifice.
Your spiritual condition is observable for others to see.
- God desires His servants to be noticeably different from others and intentionally tethered to His presence (28:1-5).
- The priest bore the burden of God’s people upon his shoulders (28:6-14).
- In the decisions made on behalf of God’s people, the priest approached God for guidance (28:15-30).
- God’s people are to be unashamedly and undeniably set apart for His work (28:31-43).
- To be used by God, these priests required a cleansing consecration tied to a sacrificial substitute (29:1-18).
- They intentionally applied the blood to the ears, hands, and feet (29:19-30).
- The priests performed such rituals so others could hear from God (29:31-45).
- Jesus – Christ is the great high priest who adorns us with His righteousness (cf. Heb. 8:1-2).
- Pastors – God sets apart spiritual leaders for the all-consuming call of reconnecting sinners to their Savior (1 Pet. 5:2-3).
- Christians – Disciples of Jesus ought to portray observable differences from the world around them (cf. Ex. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:9, Rom. 12:2).
Be the type of obvious Christian who hears God’s Word, does God’s work, and goes God’s way (Ex. 29:20).
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
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