Hardened Hearts All Around

Exodus 4:18-31 – As Moses prepared to return to Egypt, God prepared him for the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, but a curious event on the way showed that Moses wasn’t exempt from that very thing. We must prioritize assessing our own personal obedience.


  • Before Moses returned to Egypt, he wanted his father-in-law’s blessing and God’s presence (4:18-20).
  • God would use Pharaoh’s obstinance to reveal His unrivaled power (4:21).
  • Pharaoh believed himself to be the son of a god, but He was about to discover whose God’s child truly was (4:22-23).
  • God had dramatically rescued Moses, yet he was still reluctant to obey simple instructions (4:24-26).
  • When the people realized God would alleviate their suffering, their proper response was worship (4:27-31).


  • Saints and sinners struggle similarly, but only one group knows forgiveness.
  • We are often too quick to notice the sins of others while overlooking our own.
  • The hardened hearts that are the most surprising are those who know better.
  • Never underestimate the dangers if you remain reluctant to obey.