Exodus 14:1-31 – With the sea in front of them and the enemy behind them, the Israelites were out of options unless God did something miraculous. The LORD has proved to be a waymaker time and time again for the people of God.
God can make a way when there seems to be no way.
- Even God’s enemies would marvel at how He would rescue His people (14:1-9).
- Troubles will cause God’s people to question what He’s done or anticipate what He will do (14:10-14).
- The LORD knows when it is time to stop talking about it and when it is time to start moving forward (14:15-18).
- These events revealed one undeniable truth – the LORD fights for His people (14:19-25).
- After such a deliverance, the people feared the LORD and believed in their servant leader (14:26-31).
- Fear Not – If you walk with God, nothing should be able to cripple you with anxiety.
- Stand Firm – Beware the temptation to drift away from God when challenges arise.
- Look Up – Don’t settle for solutions you can achieve without God’s help.
- Be Quiet – We might observe God’s movement more if we learned to keep silent.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
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