The LORD Is My Provider

Exodus 16:1-36 – The Israelites grumbled against the LORD when the conditions worsened, but He provided food for them still. God’s provision is as constant as His character is reliable.


  • The Israelites would have rather been plump and oppressed than hungry and free (16:1-3).
  • Instead of punishing them for their complaints, God rained down what they needed (16:4-12).
  • God proved to be their Provider for daily bread and then some (16:13-20).
  • God taught the Israelites about personal responsibility and God’s consistency (16:21-30).
  • God wanted them to remember how He faithfully cared for them through years of instability (16:31-36).


  • Ask God for what you need rather than complaining about what you don’t have.
  • Take what God provides and handle it the way He commands.
  • Trust God for seven days of provision based on six days of work.
  • Make it a habit to thank God specifically for how He provides abundantly.