Keep God’s Day Holy

Exodus 20:8-11 – The fourth commandment standardized a week by six days to work and one day to rest. Keeping the Sabbath day holy is about ordering our time to remember who we are not.


  • The Sabbath commandment is unique because God highlighted the need to remember it (20:8).
  • Six days are designated for diligent work and one day is set apart for intentional rest (20:9).
  • God warned about the addictive desire of manipulating others to be productive on one’s behalf (20:10). 
  • God rested on the Sabbath not because He was tired but because He knew we would be (20:11).


  • Express gratitude for a God who cares for your well-being so much that He commands you to chill.
  • Learn to trust God for seven days of provision from six days of work.
  • Labor for six days in such a way that you require one day of rest.
  • Evaluate if your weekly schedule brings honor to God.
  • Make it a weekly habit to forsake the need to prove yourself.
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