Missional Steps

This gospel is too great to keep to ourselves. That’s why we want to include all our members in some aspect of God’s worldwide mission.

Acts 1:4-11

Invest in Another

  • In addition to developing a personal plan for your discipleship strategy, we want you to consider who you can intentionally invest in and disciple. 
  • Consider your natural connections. 
  • Begin by inviting someone to church, giving your testimony, or sharing the gospel.

Give to the Cause

  • We can make no more significant financial investment than giving to Kingdom work. 
  • You can give generously and know that your gifts are used intentionally for gospel work in our church and worldwide. 
  • The Bible provides an excellent starter goal of 10% of one’s gross income toward a local church. 
  • Even if we each can’t give the same amount, we can all give the same percentage of sacrifice. 
  • When you give to the RC Missions Offering, 50% goes to the International Mission Board, 25% goes to the North American Mission Board and the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and 25% provides mission trip scholarships for Rocky Creek members.

What is the RC Legacy Fund? 

  • A legacy can live on even after life ends by wisely contributing to the Great Commission. 
  • We have an easy way for you to develop a will by working with a ministry agency. 
  • By agreeing to contribute to a ministry cause through your estate planning, the legal fees are reduced, and you can help fund Jesus’ mission until He returns. 

Volunteer with a Ministry 

  • We partner with local ministries that are like-minded in the gospel and mission. 
  • We desire that Greenville develops into a healthier and holier place because we live and serve within it. 
  • Churchwide Emphases – We typically highlight a quarterly opportunity for all church members to give back and step up.
  • Gospel Group Outings—We encourage Gospel Groups of all ages to find a way to serve together once a quarter.
  • Volunteer Opportunities—If you have more time in your schedule and desire to serve more often, we would love to help you find a perfect opportunity. 

Go on a Trip

  • We have opportunities for you to join a team and take the gospel locally or globally.
  • While each year highlights different trips, we focus on partnerships with church plants and unreached people groups. 
  • By sending more consistent teams to the same places, we can better serve the partnering missionaries and the lost people they serve. 

Here are some milestones to consider:

  • By 10th grade, we encourage our students to go on one trip within the United States.
  • By 12th grade, we encourage our students to go on one trip outside the United States.
  • During college, we encourage our students to serve somewhere for an entire summer.
  • After college, we can help those desiring to serve in a 2-year commitment.
  • For career commitments, we will partner with you as you go to the mission field.

Assist the Recommission Network

  • The Recommission Network is a family of aligned churches attempting to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to their surrounding communities. 
  • Our heart is to plant and replant healthy churches that are multiplying disciples. 
  • Rocky Creek is helping other churches around this area by sharing resources and aligning strategies.
  • You could serve for a period of time by helping one of these churches in teaching groups, leading worship, leading children’s ministry, helping with facility projects, or assisting with other opportunities. 
  • You can help at a Recommission Network church on Sunday morning and attend RC on Sunday evening. Or you could serve for a few months to help begin at another place what God has done for you here.
  • These churches aren’t campuses. 
  • To help them, we align sermon series, worship sets, discipleship strategies, ministry initiatives, administrative needs, and missional opportunities.