The Do’s and Don’ts of Spiritual Growth

1 Peter 2:1-3 – To see consistent spiritual growth, we must be careful to avoid interpersonal drama and pursue biblical truth. A failure to do either will cause spiritual stagnation.

Since we are born again, we ought to embrace a new standard of living (2:1).

Don’ts (2:1)

  • Malice – Premeditated evil toward another that is unchallenged indicates a dangerous condition of one’s heart. 
  • Deceit – As people who have received the truth, we should not be characterized by information fabrication.
  • Hypocrisy – We cannot criticize the sins of others while ignoring our own or those we support.
  • Envy – The desire to have what belongs to another means you are ungrateful with what God has given you.
  • Slander – Sharing derogatory information, regardless of legitimacy, to harm another indicates one’s own insecurity.

Do’s (2:2-3)

  • No matter how long you’ve been following Jesus, never lose your desperation for Him.
  • Crave the purity of Scripture so that you require no additives or preservatives.
  • Embrace your salvation as the starting line of discipleship rather than the finishing line of expectation.
  • Consistently considering God’s goodness will make you eager to seek it out.

To grow spiritually: 1) do seek ongoing biblical change, and 2) don’t allow your emotions to hurt others whom God loves.