Don’t Be a Hypocrite

1 Peter 2:11-12 – If this world is not our home, we cannot give ourselves to every available temptation. The war against hypocrisy is important so that we don’t hinder others from seeing Jesus.

Avoid being the type of Christian that makes others not want to listen.

After Peter addresses our relationship with Jesus (1:1-21) and other believers (1:22-2:10), he instructs on the importance of our reputation with nonbelievers (2:11-4:11).


  • “Dear friends, I urge” – We need friendly warnings to keep our lives in order.
  • “Strangers and exiles” – If this world isn’t our home, then our conduct shouldn’t be the norm.
  • “War against the soul” – Sin may tempt the mind or entice the body but ultimately assaults the soul.


  • “Honorably” – May those who reject your values respect your character.
  • “As evildoers” – Don’t be surprised if the standards that God calls good, others call evil.
  • “Glorify God” – Live so that others will glorify God and not idolize you.

Your conduct makes your message invalid or invaluable.

Live respectable lives for missional opportunities.

Winning a soul is better than winning an argument.