Godly Words for Personal Gain

Today’s service continued in our “Sticks and Stones” series at North Side.  This week, our church focused on “Godly Words for Personal Gain.”  As we have talked about our speech, it is important to emphasize number 3 on the 10 Commandments: thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain (or as Voddie Baucham would say, “Don’t mess with my …


Biblical Conviction of Billy Graham

During a time when modernism was spreading through the evangelical world, Billy Graham’s good friend and coworker, Charles Templeton, began to reject the Bible’s authority.  Due to Templeton’s questions, Graham began to personally struggle with the authority of the Scriptures at a frightening level.  Acknowledging a deep time of turmoil through which he personally struggled with these issues, Graham himself …


Book of the Week: Developing the Leader Within You

This week’s book of the week is John Maxwell’s Developing the Leader Within You. This book is one of Maxwell’s older books, but I had it on a list for an upcoming class, so I decided to read this volume on developing personal leadership skills. Top 5 Thoughts: “Leadership is influence.  That’s it.  Nothing more; nothing less.  My favorite leadership …


Is Jesus the Long-Awaited Messiah?

In class today, we talked about the “Messiah Tension.”  Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all disagree with how the person of Jesus changes the search for truth.  As part of the discussion today, we looked at Jewish reasoning behind why Jesus was not the Messiah.  We also looked at why Christians believe that he matched all the prophecies of the coming …


Intentional Strategy of Billy Graham

Due to Graham’s popularity, a large portion of his crusades’ attendants were church members.  According to their records, sixty percent of their converts were church members.  While Graham’s heart was for the unchurched, he never discouraged Christians for attending.  Graham was not ashamed of his Baptist affiliation, but he consciously and wisely refrained from ever getting entangled in Baptist political …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: A Moment with Us

This week’s bad church sign states: “Just a moment with us can mean eternity, with God!” What they are trying to communicate is: If you would just take a moment to stop in on a Sunday morning, we would communicate a message with you that could change your life.  You could hear the gospel, become a Christian, and spend eternity …


Organizational Ability of Billy Graham

While Billy Graham is most famous for his preaching ministry, he also served as the head of a complex ministry for years.  In fact, much of Graham’s ministerial career has actually focused his energies on organizational elements within his ministry organization. “Dr. Graham gratefully testifies that it would be impossible for him to lead such vast crusades of evangelism if …


Dialogue That Devours

What a great Sunday!  Today we make our pledges for the Now campaign in all three services.  A group of our leaders have already made their pledges, and before the service today, we have had over 1 million dollars pledged to the campaign to date!  That small group of people showed up in a big way, and we are believing …


Book of the Week: 11 Innovations in the Local Church

This week’s book of the week is 11 Innovations in the Local Church written by the uber-talented team of Elmer Towns, Ed Stetzer, and Warren Bird.  Each chapter focuses on different types of innovative churches.  This book contains great stories of how Jesus is using some pasotrs and churches to do some incredible things in this country for Christ. This …


The Call in California – Reason Behind Tuesday’s Vote

I was just driving away from class when I heard James Dobson talk on the radio about Tuesday’s vote.  There was a pretty shocking vote in California where they overturned the right for homosexual marriage.  Since most people would think that California would support it, I was shocked to hear that it got stopped. I was overwhelmed when I heard …